Assalamualaikum, hi everyone! I am back with my Usrah Budi 3 assessment. I have been too busy with studies, assessments, societies, programs, family, and others. So, my entry only full of assessment only, I rarely telling stories about me, my self. It's okay, someday, I will share.
If you are interested, you can just search for me on social media. I am more active there, even though not so much. But it's a little bit more than here.
Facebook: Amiratul Huda
Instagram: Art IG Private IG
Past E-Portfolio (This is the previous link for my biodata, before this) But, here, I will not repeat the same things. I just update some more, that have been happening nowadays.
Hi, I am now in my 2nd Year, 2nd Semester, there are still left 4 semesters more before I graduate from IIUM. As I told you before, I really love drawing. And, I did some commissions here and there. That's why I have more than one Instagram. One for my private life, the another is for my random art posting, and the other one is for me to keep on my studies. So, I won't be giving up on it. However, I will just share only two here.
Now, let's proceed to the learning session in Usrah Budi 3. In our class, we learn about the Taaruf, Tafahum and Takaful. That's the principle of Usrah. Taaruf, where we know each other. Tafahum, where we understand each other. Takaful, where we help each other. I love to join this Usrah Budi, as I'm having a good facilitator with us, and also a good teamwork with my group project. At first, I am nervous as there's no one that I know, even though it's already in Usrah Budi 3. But, having some cheerful conversation and learning session, somehow doesn't make me worried about that.
We have two project. One project, where we need to do presentation. We explained about the Categories, Components and Qualities of Leadership. And my part, is Qualitites of Leadership, and here, I share with you our slide
Then, we participate in our class project. Here, we collaborate with other groups to achieve our motive. Which is to spread knowledge from the Qur'an. Our motto is, From Him To You.
So, here is our group's work.

✨ [From Him, To You] ✨
Assalamualaikum wbt!
Dear IIUM Community, 🧐
Are you intrigued to know more about Surah Ar-Ra’d?! Let's gain more knowledge about this surah by going through this specific verse 🥰
We are from the Usrah Budi 3, Section 202.
As we have finished our fight during the holy month of Ramadan, we must not stop our efforts there. ✨
In an effort to keep the momentum, we present a few verses from the al-Quran so that they may help and guide you in your journey. 😁
Verse 13:28
الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُمْ بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ۗ أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ
Allah provides guidance to those who seek it, who want it. They are the ones who believe and find peace in Allah‘s remembrance. Their heart’s delight is in Allah‘s Zikr, whether it is quiet contemplation, or talking to Allah, or reading Salat and the Qur’an or talking to others about Allah (swt). These are the ones who are guided by Allah to peace and success in both the worlds. Calamities come due to our own short comings and sins, a believer always evaluate himself by gratifying the blessings given by the Sustainer Allah (swt).
Insyaallah, we pray that our good deeds and ibadah will be rewarded greatly in the hereafter. 😊
Usrah Budi 3,
Section 202

✨ [From Him, To You]✨
Assalamualaikum & Salam Syawal everyone!
✅ Do you get startled every time you recite the Quran?
✅ What about the uncommon Tajweed? Can you recite when you do not know the Tajweed well?
✅ Do you want to improve reciting the Quran?
Well do not worry, We are here to help!
Definition: Also known as Nun Wiqayah. When a kalimah ends with a ‘tanwin’ ــًـــٍــٌــ meets with Hamzah Wasol in the next kalimah
Recitation: The ‘tanwin’ will need to be discharged and to be added with a ‘nun with kasrah’
With just a little guidance, we will provide you the knowledge that you need to improve your recitation ✨
Best regards,
Usrah Budi 3,
Section 202.
We gain lots of knowledge, and knowing different kind of people. I am happy to join this Usrah Budi, hopefully, I can see my new friends here in the next class, either in the Usrah Budi 4 or others.